Vendor: Keith Ward
Adventures in Belief
Keith Ward--philosopher, ethicist, theologian, Anglican priest, cathedral canon, and book-writing addict--has spent his life thinking about ""the big questions"" (and, what's more, getting paid for it!). This philosophical pilgrimage led him from jobs at Glasgow and St. Andrew's Universities in Scotland, to Cambridge University,...- $21.00
$21.00- $21.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Adventures in Belief
Keith Ward--philosopher, ethicist, theologian, Anglican priest, cathedral canon, and book-writing addict--has spent his life thinking about ""the big questions"" (and, what's more, getting paid for it!). This philosophical pilgrimage led him from jobs at Glasgow and St. Andrew's Universities in Scotland, to Cambridge University,...- $36.00
$36.00- $36.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Case for Religion
A brilliant and accessible rebuttal of The God Delusion from one of Christianity's most incisive thinkersIn this, his first new book since the best-selling God: A Guide for the Perplexed (Oneworld, 2002), Keith Ward turns his attention to the role - and the validity...- $29.00
$29.00- $29.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Christ and the Cosmos: A Reformulation of Trinitarian Doctrine
The concept of the 'social Trinity', which posits three conscious subjects in God, radically revised the traditional Christian idea of the Creator. It promoted a view of God as a passionate, creative, and responsive source of all being. Keith Ward argues that social Trinitarian...- $34.99
$34.99- $34.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Christianity: A Beginner's Guide
The only introduction to Christianity which systematically compares its many different faces. From original sin to eternal life, the function of prayer to the role of the church, renowned theologian Keith Ward offers a comprehensive survey of the diversity of Christian thinking in this...- $14.95
$14.95- $14.95
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Christianity: A Guide for the Perplexed. Keith Ward
A systematic guide to the Christian faith, taking a broad sweep from the big bang through the Old Testament to the New and beyond into the history of the faith and modern theological thinking. The hard questions posed by the Church's history are not...- $11.99
$11.99- $11.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Concepts of God: Images of the Divine in the Five Religious Traditions
Is there a universal concept of God? Do all the great faiths of the world share a vision of the same supreme reality? In an attempt to answer these questions, Keith Ward considers the doctrine of an ultimate reality within five world religions -...- $31.00
$31.00- $31.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Confessions of a Recovering Fundamentalist
Can theology be expounded almost entirely in jokes? This is an attempt to do so. But it is also a record of how one person recovered from fundamentalism, and found a different, more positive spirituality within Christian faith. It seeks to speak to those...- $21.00
$21.00- $21.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Evidence for God: A Case for the Existence of the Spiritual Dimension
'It is remarkable how atheism is becoming fashionable. It has become almost compulsory to say that you do not believe in God. ... I believe that science itself points in a very different direction. There is a huge amount of evidence for the reality...- $15.99
$15.99- $15.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
God Chance and Necessity
The 'new materialism' argues that science and religious belief are incompatible. This book considers such arguments from cosmology, from biology and from sociobiology and exposes a number of crucial fallacies and weaknesses.With a carefully argued, point by point refutation of scientific atheism, God, Chance...- $31.00
$31.00- $31.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
God: A Guide for the Perplexed
An inspired and impassioned historical examination of humanity's search for the divine From Plato to Wittgenstein and religions from Judaism to the Hindu tradition, interspersed with divine influences from Classical Greece, Romantic poetry, and the occasional scene from 'Alien', 'God: A Guide for the...- $15.95
$15.95- $15.95
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Vendor: Keith Ward
In Defence of the Soul
Denying the existence of the human soul has devastating effects on our valuation of human beings and human endeavour, maintains the author. He counters such denials, the result of the recent popularization of secular and materialist views of human development, with a detailed examination...- $28.00
$28.00- $28.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Is Religion Dangerous?
Holy wars, crusades, discrimination, hate these by-products of religion are all many contemporary commentators can see. But is religion dangerous? Is it a force for evil, something to oppose as a corrupt system that leads to terrorism and violence? Is it something to disdain...- $20.50
$20.50- $20.50
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Is Religion Irrational?
In the first decade of the twenty-first century, atheism took on a new lease of life. Following the popularity of books by big-name authors such as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins, a concerted campaign--termed new atheism--grew across Britain and the United States, promoting the...- $12.99
$12.99- $12.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Karl Barth on Religion
Karl Barth is one of the most influential theologians of the past century, especially within conservative branches of Christianity. Liberals, by contrast, find many of his ideas to be problematic. In this study, Keith Ward offers a detailed critique of Barth's views on religion...- $30.99
$30.99- $30.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Love Is His Meaning: Understanding the Teaching of Jesus
Jesus' teaching has changed the world. Yet his sayings can often seem cryptic and hard to understand. In Love Is His Meaning, Keith Ward explores the various figures of speech and images that Jesus used, and finds they are all ways of expressing and...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
More Than Matter?: Is There More to Life Than Molecules?
'The question of what it is to be a human person is the biggest intellectual question of our day.'Keith Ward has taught philosophy and theology in British universities for the past 40 years, and he is now weighing in on a major intellectual battle:...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
More Than Matter?: Is There More to Life Than Molecules?
Distinguished philosopher Keith Ward here weighs in on what are perhaps the greatest metaphysical quandaries of our time: is the human mind merely an intricate mass of nerve cells and synapses, or is it something more? Are human beings simply "accidental results of millions...- $233.50
$233.50- $233.50
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Parables of Time and Eternity
Most people agree that Jesus' parables are about the kingdom of God. But what is that? They seem to have a lot about hell and judgment, but how is that consistent with the Parable of the Prodigal Son and Jesus' search for ""lost sheep""?...- $37.00
$37.00- $37.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Parables of Time and Eternity
Most people agree that Jesus' parables are about the kingdom of God. But what is that? They seem to have a lot about hell and judgment, but how is that consistent with the Parable of the Prodigal Son and Jesus' search for ""lost sheep""?...- $22.00
$22.00- $22.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Personal Idealism
A short, definitive account of Keith Ward's theology, based on the philosophy of personal idealism, this book records his views about God, revelation, the kingdom of God, life after death, the incarnation, atonement, and the Trinity. In summary, it is a concise and clear...- $12.75
$12.75- $12.75
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Religion and Human Fulfilment
"Religion and Human Fulfilment" is a short, accessible reflection on a series of ethical problems in the light of what the world's major faith traditions have to say about them. Keith Ward sets out that morality is an autonomous entity knowable to all human...- $25.99
$25.99- $25.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Religion in the Modern World
The subject of religious diversity is of growing significance, with its associated problems of religious pluralism and inter-faith dialogue. Moreover, since the European Enlightenment, religions have had to face new, existential challenges. Is there a future for religions? How will they have to change?...- $117.00
$117.00- $117.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Religion in the Modern World: Celebrating Pluralism and Diversity
The subject of religious diversity is of growing significance, with its associated problems of religious pluralism and inter-faith dialogue. Moreover, since the European Enlightenment, religions have had to face new, existential challenges. Is there a future for religions? How will they have to change?...- $33.99
$33.99- $33.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Sea Clutter: Scattering, the K Distribution and Radar Performance
Sea Clutter: Scattering, the K Distribution and Radar Performance, 2nd Edition gives an authoritative account of our current understanding of radar sea clutter. Topics covered include the characteristics of radar sea clutter, modelling radar scattering by the ocean surface, statistical models of sea clutter,...- $185.00
$185.00- $185.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Sharing in the Divine Nature
A defense of the New Testament view that all things are to be united in Christ, which entails that the ultimate destiny of the universe, and of all that is in it, is to be united in God. Keith Ward argues that this conflicts...- $23.00
$23.00- $23.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Sharing in the Divine Nature
A defense of the New Testament view that all things are to be united in Christ, which entails that the ultimate destiny of the universe, and of all that is in it, is to be united in God. Keith Ward argues that this conflicts...- $43.00
$43.00- $43.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
Spirituality and Christian Belief: Life-Affirming Christianity for Inquiring People
Christianity is not the only true faith. The Bible is not inerrant. Jesus is not God walking on the earth. Hell is not eternal. What's left? Everything important. The ultimate reality is cosmic mind, which generates the physical universe. Its goal is to liberate...- $33.00
$33.00- $33.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
The Christian Idea of God: A Philosophical Foundation for Faith
In this book, eminent theologian Keith Ward takes a fresh look at the ancient philosophy of Idealism, connects it with findings in modern science, and shows that a combination of good science, good philosophy, and a passion for truth and goodness, can underpin religious...- $29.99
$29.99- $29.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
The Development of Kant's View of Ethics
Originally published in 1972, The Development of Kant's Ethics is Keith Ward's exceptional analysis of the history of Kant's ideas on ethics and the emergence of Kantian ethics as a mature theory. Through a thorough overview of all of Kant's texts written between 1755...- $19.95
$19.95- $19.95
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Vendor: Keith Ward
The Priority of Mind
Is the mind just a by-product of the brain? Or is mind the fundamental reality, which creates matter? This book is a defense of mind as prior to matter. It is a philosophical work, written in an accessible style, which explains idealism as the...- $31.00
$31.00- $31.00
- Unit price
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Vendor: Keith Ward
The Priority of Mind
Is the mind just a by-product of the brain? Or is mind the fundamental reality, which creates matter? This book is a defense of mind as prior to matter. It is a philosophical work, written in an accessible style, which explains idealism as the...- $16.00
$16.00- $16.00
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Vendor: Keith Ward
The Word of God? - The Bible after modern scholarship
Keith Ward introduces this volume on the world's greatest ever bestseller by suggesting that the Bible is neither a book dictated by God, as some believe, nor just a set of out-dated taboos and politically slanted histories, as those at the opposite extreme would...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Keith Ward
What Do We Mean by 'God'?
Language about God is something like the language of poetry-intended not to increase our information about the world-we know facts about the world already-but to evoke in us a certain attitude or way of looking at things or feeling about things. What sort of...- $10.95
$10.95- $10.95
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